Core Athletica® Inc. Presents:
Erica Ziel’s Knocked-Up Fitness® and Wellness Prenatal +
Postnatal Exercise Specialist Course +

“If you want to feel confident in teaching your clients then this
is the course for you!!” – Zarah R.
Improve your clients results!
Begin your prenatal and postnatal exercise specialist course and certification process today – it’s so much more than just knowing what modifications to make in each trimester. Truly understand why and what to teach your prenatal clients according to what is appropriate for her, at each stage in her pregnancy.
What is The Knocked-Up Fitness® and Wellness Prenatal and Postnatal Exercise Specialist Course?

Completely online digital course comprised of 12 Sections (each explained in more detail below). Over 20 hours of video and audio educational instruction.
18 Pilates Method Alliance (PMA) CEC’s
1.9 NASM CEC’s
2.0 ACE CEC’s
upon completion of the entire course + passing all 5 quizzes
Covered throughout your Prenatal +
Postnatal Exercise Specialist Course:

Limitations +
This course is based highly on research, lots and lots of research! Learn the limitations to exercising during pregnancy plus the incredible (research-based) benefits!

Ever wonder why pregnancy causes the symptoms it does? How does that affect her exercise routine?

Pregnancy Health
Understand and define terms related to pregnancy, plus pregnancy symptoms and concerns and how exercise can be affected.

Female Anatomy
+ Deep Core
Review and learn about anatomy as it relates to the female and pregnant body, importance of deep core anatomy and fascia, along with postural changes.

Learn specific guidelines for each trimester while understanding the variables among different prenatal women.

Diastasis Recti
Learn how to recognize if a client has diastasis recti while pregnant, how to minimize, and even start healing during pregnancy.

Progressions +
You’ll go over specific exercises and discuss their modifications and when to start modifying. Not every prenatal client will start modifying or doing the same modifications at the same time in her pregnancy.

Female Anatomy
+ Deep Core
Review and learn about anatomy as it relates to the female and pregnant body, importance of deep core anatomy and fascia, along with postural changes.

Creating Balance
Let’s pull together everything we have learned so far – to better understand how to create exercise programming for the prenatal client. Really understanding the variables among them.

Prenatal Case
Studies Review three case studies to understand how to apply everything you have learned through this course.

Training the
Postpartum Client:
Understand guidelines for how to safely and effectively train your newly postpartum clients, how to test for diastasis recti, and start strengthening her body for life as a busy mom!

Postpartum Case
Review two postpartum case studies to understand how to apply the knowledge to your newly postpartum clients.

Course Created by Erica Ziel
Learn from a leading Prenatal, Postnatal and Core Exercise Specialist! Owner of Core Athletica® Inc., creator of Knocked-Up Fitness® and Wellness and The Core Rehab Programs, Erica has been in the fitness industry for 14 years, with a degree in Health and Human Performance from Iowa State University, PMA®-CPT, STOTT PILATES® certified instructor, Personal Trainer Certified, Nutrition Coach, and Mom of three. She has morphed her education with her constant finding of research, and hands-on approach to teaching prenatal clients. Most recent writing for the Strength and Conditioning Journal about Prenatal Training.
Erica Has Been Featured In…

Enjoy instant access to your entire course upon enrollment!

5-week Prenatal and Postnatal Exercise Specialist Course:
- 12 sections
- Completely digital streaming access
- 140 page Outline (PDF download)
- Workbook (PDF download)
- Instant access to your entire course!
- 5 Quizzes (must pass to earn CEC’s and Certification)
- Take more time as needed to complete
- Certification*
- CEC’s available from ACE, PMA, NASM, AFAA! (you can also submit for your own cec’s to your certification organization)
Begin Your Prenatal Training
Feel confident training your prenatal and postnatal clients.

Upon Certification Completion You will be added to our Find A Trainer Near You Page!!
*Certification – in order to obtain your certification you must complete all the videos (or audio) and pass each quiz (70% or higher). While I do recommend submitting proof of personal trainer, Pilates instructor, yoga instructor, or other approved foundation certifications, it will not be mandatory. All certifications are subject to approval or completion and passing quizzes.
*To meet approval for listing on ‘Find A Trainer Near You’ you must complete the entire course and pass all quizzes in a timely manner and complete the VIP portion of the course as well (which includes Coaching Calls with Erica Ziel). The next VIP course will be offered March 2018 (it will be available as an add-on for those already enrolled in the course). First 3 years listed on the Find a Trainer Near you will be included in your registration fee for the VIP course.
Q: Do I have to be a fitness instructor to take this course?
A: No, you do not need to be a fitness instructor to take this course. I do recommend having a base understanding of anatomy but it’s not a must as you can devote more time to learning anatomy during the course.
Q. What do I need to do in order to receive the certification?
A. Upon completion of the entire course (completing all videos and passing all 5 quizzes). I highly recommend having your CPR and individual liability insurance.
Q: Do I have to complete the course in a certain amount of time?
A: No, you do not have to complete the course in a certain amount of time. While it is recommended to schedule in time to work on your course material to help you stay accountable. You will have unlimited access for the lifetime of the course. You will also have access as any updates are made in the future.
Q: What if I’m not able to complete in a timely manner, will I continue to have access to the content online?
A: YES! You will have access to all the content and any updates that may be made in the future. If for any reason the course is to come down you will be able to get the digital downloads of each video and audio.
Q: Is there additional materials I will need to purchase?
A: There are 2 books that are required for this course (in addition to the outline and workbook which you will have access to as pdf files). The 2 books are:
- The Knocked-Up Fitness and Wellness Guide to Pregnancy (the eBook is included and if you prefer the actual book that is additional).
- Anatomy and Movement by Blandine Calais-Germain
These 3 books are additional recommended reading but not mandatory for this course:
- Exercising Through Pregnancy by Dr. James Clapp
- Fascia in Sport and Movement by Dr. Robert Schleip
- The Female Pelvis by Blandine Calais-Germain
Q: I’d like to take your Prenatal Pilates Equipment Course, do I need to take this one too?
A: Yes, this course, my Prenatal and Postnatal Exercise Specialist Course is a prerequisite for my in-person live Prenatal Pilates Equipment (Reformer, Chair, Cadillac) course / workshop.
Q: I’d really prefer to learn from you in-person, do you offer in-person courses.
A: While I will be offering Master Class dates (in-person) this online course is a prerequisite for attending any of my live Prenatal Master Class workshops. This will allow us to dive into the next layer of training prenatal and postnatal clients. With the master classe’s going over more exercises, exercise programmings, case studies, and great discussion regarding training your prenatal and postnatal clients.
Begin Your Prenatal Training
Feel confident training your prenatal and postnatal clients.