How long have you been with Erica and Knocked-Up Fitness and Wellness? What is your role?
I have been the Prenatal Coach for about a year and a half and loving my new-ish role! Before that I was a Knocked-Up Fitness and Wellness Instructor for 5 years!
What is your favorite part about what you do?
I love the calls I get to take with the Membership Mamas they ask the most amazing questions and getting to know each of them individually is super special!
What is your favorite way to stay healthy?
Trying new fitness classes is a big favorite of mine. Meeting new people and getting out of my comfort zone. I always warm up and cool down with some Core Rehab movements though!
Have you always been into fitness and wellness?
No not at all. In high school and college I was far from it but, into my twenties I began to see what a big difference it made!
What is your favorite workout video from the membership or CRP?
Active Release Flow!! The best for after a long day or when you wake up to start loose and fresh!
How does your core work effect you everyday?
Ericas programs have changed the way I move. I use what I have learned and continue learning every second of everyday, from picking up my son to putting the dishes away I try to respect my body all the time!
How do you find time to stay healthy?
Being very smart with preparing food and snacks and making time, no matter what, to move and improve!
What is something you want us to know about you?
That I am a mom, wife, and employee too and I understand how hard life can get during pregnancy and postpartum (no matter how long its been) but, that if I can make the time for myself you can too! And I am here to help!