Shanna this morning: Pilates with a little jumpboard & Kettlebellsto keep our heart rates up = burn more calories! Yippeee
The last couple weeks have been a tough one for Shanna to keep her workouts going & eating healthy. Let’s see: holidays, travel, oh & she (well her & her hubby) decided it was as good of time as any to potty train their 2 oldest! Yikes! Not only trying to potty train 1 but 2! Wowza! I’ve only had the luxury of potty training my daughter & as much fun as it was I don’t look forward to potty training my son (or maybe I do..I’m over changing poo diapers). If your already a mom you can totally understand what this time period is like, lots of craziness in her house lately (& sleepless nights). I can say I am very proud of her for getting back to working on losing her baby weight. As hard as it is to get back on track when we get overwelmed with life it’s what you need to do. Go here to read Shanna’s update post
We’ve all felt like this at one point or another…
So get your Sh*t in order & do what you need to do to take care of yourself! Maybe it’s time to re-prioritize & schedule your workouts into your day-time to hire a trainer??? & plan healthy meals. – Sorry to be so blunt but it’s true.“If MOM ain’t happy ain’t nobody happy!”
When life becomes overwhelming & we feel like we have more on our plate than we can handle many tend to eat to comfort that feeling. Is that you? If so listen up! The more stressed you allow yourself to get the harder it’s going to be for you to A) lose the weight you are working so hard to lose, or B) you’ll gain weight! AWWWW!!! This is caused by cortisol (I know you’ve heard of it), a hormone produced by your adrenal glands (your metabolism motor) which your body releases in response to STRESS, it can supress your immune system, decrease thyroid function, increase your blood sugar levels (among other things) = you get sick easier & you gain weight (or have a hard time losing weight). A little cortisol is good, a lot is NOT! So take a good look at what is really going on in your life, what needs to be changed? & what can you do to create a healthy balance in your life? Exercise of course can help decrease cortisol levels as it’s a natural stress reliever, also try meditation (yoga, pilates), take deep breathes throughout your day, relax your shoulders, SLEEP (aim for 7-8 hours.night) & so on… Here is a Healthy Eating outline I have given Shanna to follow:- Pre-Workout Snack: fruit or oatmeal (30ish minutes prior to exercise)
- Breakfast:
- 1 egg
- 2 egg whites
- I always cook eggs in pan with 100% Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
- 1/4-1/2 avocado
- coffee & milk (or whenever you usually drink coffee)
- AM Snack: oatmeal w/berries (can be quick cooking in a pinch, or make a big batch & scoop yourself a serving & refrigerate the rest)
- Lunch: (no wraps or sandwiches, use either a corn tortilla or lettuce as the wrap, or nothing)
- 3-4 oz chicken breast, or lunch meat (no nitrates), or leftover protein from night before
- veggies
- fruit
- Snack: 1/8 cup nuts &/or fruit
- Dinner:
- 3-4 oz protein
- veggie
- fruit (optional, I usually double – triple my veggie serving at dinner)
- Scheduling your workouts into your day?
- Hiring a trainer or nutritionist
- Preparing healthy snacks in advance so you don’t grab the candy out of a vending machine?
- Cooking extra portions of your healthy dinners for lunch tomorrow?
- Going for an evening walk to “de-stress” at night?
- Waking up a couple minutes early so you don’t feel so rushed in the morning? (that’s no way to start your day)