What Affects Tearing in Birth? I’ve talked about push prep (super in-depth in my KnockedUp Fitness Program) and how to prepare for an easier birth, but today I wanted to talk about what actually affects tearing in birth. There are 3 things I want to cover that I have found are really critical when it comes to having a positive…
What to Focus on First in Postpartum Recovery I get a lot of questions about what to focus on first in your postpartum recovery journey. I want to give you some excellent advice to help you navigate the unchartered waters of postpartum. A lot of women are told they can resume physical activity after their 6-week postpartum check-up, or 10-week check-up…
Whether you’ve recently had a c-section or are 5+ years postpartum, you may be looking to strengthen your deep core and abs. I have 5 ab exercises that are perfect for after a c-section, no matter how long it’s been. If you’re tired of numbness in your lower abdomen or are just looking to wake up the pelvic floor, strengthening…
Do c-section mamas need to think about strengthening the pelvic floor after birth? The simple answer is – yes!! Your Pelvic Floor Post C-Section So often moms with c-section births think they don’t need to heal or strengthen their pelvic floor after baby comes – after all, they most likely weren’t pushing through birth. But, the pelvic floor is so…
Infertility and health, including sperm health. It’s no longer just about female health and egg health but if we aren’t addressing the mans health then that could be a big missing health piece for improving fertility. The good news it that men can pretty quickly improve the health of their sperm. Take a listen to my conversation about improving fertility…
Recovery postpartum, don’t wait until your done having babies to heal your body postpartum. Enjoy this conversation with my Knocked-Up Fitness® client, Allie, mom of three. She’s an avid runner but started experiencing incontinence postpartum after her first pregnancy. She also started dealing with hip and back pain and found amazing relief when learning how to effectively strengthen her deep core and pelvic floor muscles during pregnancy.
Round ligament pain during pregnancy is common and happens because your uterus is stretching causing an intense stretch on your round ligament. The round ligament connects from your uterus to your pelvis and as your pregnancy progresses that round ligament is getting stretched and can cause pain and discomfort.
We hear this in our DMs all the time: “Don’t I have to wait 6 weeks after having a baby to exercise?” Our response is always the same: “There is SO MUCH you can do until then.” Before you even get back into your normal exercise routine, you must restimulate your pelvic floor. Mama, this is done by focusing on…