{this day I realized running outside in capri’s wasn’t going to cut it, 36 degrees – it’s a bit chilly}
I’ll apologize up front that this is going to be a long one {with some run-on sentences…} and you know I don’t write personal posts {like ever} but I hope you can find some inspiration and motivation from it too! I also need to do this for myself – to reflect on all the awesome-ness {and changes} that was this past year – even though there were many many days I did not feel certain about, well a lot of things {especially once we started to get situated in our new home and town} change is hard, it just is.
Nothing is ever as simple as you picture {or I find rarely are things as simple as you picture them}. Between the excitement to be near my family again, enjoying the beautiful fall weather, spending way more family time together and of course that first snow, my kids had the biggest smiles and oh so much fun, makes it totally worth it!
Then there’s “me” and “me” trying to find my routine and myself in a new place. While yes, I did grow up not to far from where we are now, it’s different, and anyone who has done the same thing we did, I know you can relate. I’m a different person than when I lived here over 10 years ago, I’d like to think I’ve grown tremendously as a person and have a totally different outlook on life now then I did than {and having three kids will defiantly make you grow, learn, and love more than you ever thought possible}. Raising the kiddos in California I have always tried to be home as much as possible but I also trained on a regular basis and with each child my training business and Knocked Up Fitness business got busier as did life in general.
Now that I’m here and I have my Knocked Up Fitness business, my clients I train via Skype and of course my in-home clients to keep me accountable – I also had several months of that transition period where I was home most all the time with my kiddos. Which was great! It really was, I needed that time for a break and to spend amazing quality time together. As a couple months went on I realized {well I should say I know} I am the kind of person that has a passion, drive and a need to do what I feel is part of me and my purpose {somewhat like a 4th child you may say, although my business rarely wakes me up in the middle of the night, unless I’m working on a big project…}. Trust me, there are days when I wish all I wanted was to be a stay at home mom and could be content with that, I have huge respect for those that are! But it’s not me, I don’t wish to work crazy amounts either, it’s about trying to find this balance in life and that is something I strive to do amongst all this “change”, to be a good loving mother while also training, teaching, reaching out and helping others, and many times making such an impact it changes lives in a very big an amazing way {I can’t, not do that, I don’t know how to not do that}. I’m not saying that to toot my own horn by any means – there are days when I feel like I’m not 100% sure on my direction because there can be mixed messages all around…..but in the end, after going through several months of very very mixed emotions, the ups and downs of trying to feel situated in a new place with a new routine {or lack there of}. I’m realizing the bigger picture, while trying to find those small things in life that fulfill the creativeness that lives inside me and my passion for bettering lives along the way with spending quality family time together, which I love dearly!
Now onto my personal reflections of 2015, I’d like to start with some big milestones that has everything to do with my family:
- Obviously there was the big move which has not been easy but all three of my kids are thriving and LOVING it here in Iowa and that makes me happy.
- Hubby and I have spent a lot more time together – which is great for each of us individually but especially our marriage and our entire family.
- Piper {3yrs this past fall} started riding a two-wheel bike, we just skipped right over those training wheels! Don’t stand in her way {in life} she will barrel you down 😉 I think that comes with being a 3rd child…
- Reece {6} my middle and spunky goofy stand-on-his-head-all-the-time got an offer to train with the boy’s competition gymnastics team!
- Morgan {now 9} I have a 9 year old, that kind of freaks me out! She’s a leader that one – while she may seem to be a bit bossy at times she’s got an amazing heart and always trying to help people {we all know those bossy people will go far in life, right?!}. And I couldn’t be more proud of my book worm, the girl reads for 2+ hours most days of the week {let me tell you she didn’t get that from me}
- Amazing family time! We have spent more time together and doing things as a family being here in Iowa then we ever did being in CA in the past couple years. For that I am truly grateful and look forward to many many more amazing memories of family time here in Iowa and of course those fun trips back to CA to see family and friends there too.
- For starter’s there’s my newest DVD my Prenatal Sculpt DVD that I released the beginning of this year and I have to say this DVD is some of my best work – by the third time around I finally figured some production stuff out and we just went for it and nailed it! Plus my trusty sidekick and amazing friend and mama of two, Monica, who was very pregnant at that time, helped make those workouts what they are! I couldn’t have done it without her and because I had trained her through both pregnancies from the very very start of her first pregnancy, she new my style better than anybody. I will always be grateful for her and her friendship.
- The start of my instructor training program “Knocked Up Fitness Pre/Postnatal Foundation Course and Pilates Course”, which I taught twice last year and can I just say “wow”! I love training clients but I found there is something I LOVE even more and that is training trainers – the energy was more than I could have ever thought and teaching was so natural for me {and exhausting, but that all hits you later and you have time to recover before you do it all over again}. I’ve been able to get accreditation from NASM, ACE Fitness, and NSCA for continuing education credits! If you aren’t in the training world that probably means nothing but for those that are understand it’s a cool honor to be able to get CEC’s from other organizations with my course that I created!
- This one makes me tear up and I don’t call it an accomplishment by any means but it happened and it’s a big part of my year, that “change” and a big part in the up and downs of emotions of moving and since moving, and that is leaving my clients/friends behind. Several I have know for the entire time I lived in Newport Beach and Huntington Beach, I made such amazing friends and felt so much love from them that it was so stinking hard to leave them! They really should all just move out here, I keep trying to tell them that but so far nadda…I know, I know it get’s cold and can I just say I haven’t been this white in over a decade! Sun I miss you too! Wiping tears now continue…
- Several articles that I was invited to write for PTonTheNet.com about, can you guess 😉 prenatal and postnatal fitness written for trainers.
- Writing for other media outlets; LiveStrong.com, Beauty and Lifestyle Mommy Magazine {a 6-page workout article, with beautiful pictures}, WebMD, What to Expect and others.
- An updated and new mobile-friendly site! So much easier to navigate.
- My DVD’s and book given recognition in Pilates Style Magazine {a favorite if you love Pilates like I do!}}
- The newest and released just recently is my APP! I now have a Prenatal Pilates App on iTunes! {The workouts on there are the prenatal sculpt workouts}