Dolly Spice on Amazon

I’m in the 2nd trimester of my second pregnancy, with a 10 month old, and as a sleepy, busy mom on the go, this workout DVD is perfect! I used to run up to 30 miles a week and did hours of strength training a week, so with my last pregnancy it was a big challenge to find decent prenatal workout videos for someone with a higher fitness level. I have purchased about 15 of them, and this is one of my favorites. This is not the most challenging of some that I have, but it is challenging enough, and the best thing as that they are 15-20 minutes each so you can do multiple workouts in one day or repeat the same workout twice if you’re up for it. The coaches make instructions easy for those who are newer to working out, but absolutely don’t over explain. They are very pleasant to listen to which makes the workout more enjoyable. Highly recommend!!