If you love your current workout classes and want to continue throughout your pregnancy, we’re here to help! By modifying workouts while pregnant to accommodate your growing baby bump, you can continue to enjoy the classes you love with the community you have built!
While it would be ideal for all trainers to know how to modify certain movements for pregnancy, unfortunately, not all do. So…we highly recommend educating yourself so you can come prepared to your workout class.

Here are 3 modifications that you can begin incorporating into your workouts:
- Eliminate Crunches. Replace any crunches or crunch-type movements with hip rolls or planks. These two exercises can help you activate that pelvic floor and deep core without causing Diastasis Recti, incontinence (peeing your paints) and pelvic floor dysfunction.
- Refrain From Stomach Movements. As you move further into your pregnancy, you will want to refrain from doing any exercises that require you lay on your stomach. You can still strengthen your mid-back by doing standing rotational movements or planks.
- Avoid Movements Putting A Lot Of Pressure On Your Pelvic Floor. As your baby bump grows, your pelvic floor has to work harder and harder to hold up your baby. Added pressure from running or jumping rope can cause incontinence (peeing your pants) and pelvic floor dysfunction. Walking is a great alternative because it offers you a great workout without the added pressure on your pelvic floor.
Modifying workouts while pregnant can strengthen and empower you throughout your entire pregnancy, postpartum + beyond! For additional modifications + to learn more about modifying movements during pregnancy, check out the Knocked-Up Fitness® and Wellness Membership!