As a Birth Doula, I love a well-timed call to let me know that my client has lost her mucus plug! Just, me? Okay moving on! This is one of the first signs of true labor and a great indication that the baby will be arriving soon. However, I use the term “soon” loosely as it can still be a…
Mermaid stretches are a great active stretch to do during all trimesters of pregnancy as well as postpartum. This exercise really works to open up those tight hips, belly + chest! Sit up tall in the mermaid position. If this feels too tight in your hips, roll up a towel and place it under your bum. Lightly engage your pelvic…
As your baby bump grows, your posture can shift, causing some aches + pains to creep in. To help you feel your best during pregnancy, here are some important postural tips to follow. I invite you to do this exercise with me. Walk in place and then stop… Did your feet land naturally under your hips? If not, bring awareness…
How Do You Know If Your Exercises During Pregnancy Are Good For Your Pelvic Floor? Before we jump into what exercises you should/shouldn’t be doing during pregnancy, let’s first talk about what your pelvic floor is and the role it plays throughout your pregnancy. What Is The Pelvic Floor? Your pelvic floor is much bigger than you may think it…