Can I ask you a question?

Are you aware of the postural changes that happen during pregnancy?

These shifts can follow you into postpartum if you don’t bring awareness to them and work to improve your posture.

Real talk: hamstrings play a huge role in posture because there is a fascial line that connects up to the glute.

And you know how much I love giving my mamas strong glutes to support their pelvis!

But the glutes need to be supported too and that’s why we can’t neglect hamstring strengthening…but it’s all about creating balance.

There needs to be a balance between the back of the thigh (glutes and hamstrings) and the front of the thigh (quads).

When all of this works together, it can help you minimize or prevent knee and back pain.

>>That’s not going to happen for you here at Knocked-Up Fitness and Wellness as we strive to help all of our mamas feel strong and confident on their pregnancy journey.<<

image of hamstring strengthening exercises

Here are four hamstring strengthening exercises to add to your movement practice:

1. Hamstring Pulses

These pulses are a great way to wake up your hamstrings. Start by placing your small ball behind your knee and drawing your heel towards your booty. To make sure these little squeezes aren’t going into your back, lightly zip up through your core and hang onto something for support.

2. Hamstring Presses

In that same position, you are now going to do presses back. Don’t overactivate your low back just so you can get a bigger range of motion. Lightly hug your baby and go through a range of motion where you feel the best hamstring and deep core connection.

3. Lunges

Lunges can be great during pregnancy, just listen to your body as you approach your third trimester. You might have to shorten your range of motion, use something to stabilize you or avoid them completely. This exercise should also be avoided if you are experiencing any pubic synthesis pain. Instead, opt for squats as you will have more support for your pelvis.

4. Deadlifts

You don’t have to use heavy weights to make this exercise effective. As your pregnancy progresses, you will find that you have to take your feet further apart to create space for your bump. Always make sure you have a soft bend in your knees so you can keep this exercise out of your low back. Take your time going through your range of motion so you can feel the connection in the back of your legs.

>>Hamstring strengthening could be the missing piece you need to feel empowered in your body during pregnancy.<<

It’s time to stop neglecting those hamstrings and use gentle movement to strengthen them and balance out your bump.

If you want to learn more about how our unique training methods could help you along in your pregnancy, grab our free pregnancy workout!

picture of free pregnancy workout

This workout will help you learn how to connect with your pelvic floor while strengthening your whole body.

If you’re ready to move in a way that will benefit you and baby, grab our free workout and get ready to connect with your bump in a whole new way >>HERE!<<

The material contained within is provided for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. You should seek prompt medical care for any specific health issues and consult your physician before beginning a new regimen or purchasing any product(s).

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