You probably don’t hear this very often, but pregnancy weight gain is actually a good thing! Unfortunately, it’s a topic that many women struggle with, especially when they are getting pressure from their medical provider.

And with everything else that is going on during pregnancy, these conversations can hurt even more. But you want to know something? It’s okay to gain weight during pregnancy…In fact, you need to gain weight during pregnancy to keep you and baby healthy!


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In this video interview, I have a conversation with mom-to-be, Ally Bouchard, about gaining weight during pregnancy.

Ally had an unfortunate experience where she felt unsupported by her OBGYN when she told her that she needs to stop gaining weight at 26-weeks pregnant. Because of medical opinions like this, women are scared of their hunger and that’s the worst thing to be afraid of while you’re pregnant. While you’re growing a baby, it’s important to be feeding your body with nourishing foods when it’s communicating to you.

So let’s start chatting about the myths that come with pregnancy weight gain…that gaining 25-40 pounds is what’s normal, that you should ignore what your body is trying to tell you, that it’s too late to switch doctors, that the weight is going to be hard to lose after having your baby. 

Stop ignoring your hunger and start listening to your body. For more information, check out the Knocked-Up Fitness® and Wellness Membership!

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About Ally

IG: @allygbouchard

Facebook: Simple Health for Busy Women


Ally Bouchard is a Health and Body Image Coach with a background in Exercise Physiology and a first-time mom-to-be. She helps women end chronic dieting and find health and peace in their bodies through intuitive eating principles and eliminating body shame.

Ally uses her knowledge of movement and anatomy in her coaching to help women reconnect with their bodies and themselves and become better informed of their own unique needs. She is “Health at Every Size” (HAES) informed and is on a mission to eradicate diet culture and empower women to live lives that go above and beyond their pant size.

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