“Oh, no… Not another run where I peed my pants,” you think to yourself after you’ve been cleared by your OB/GYN to exercise.
The truth is, you wear black leggings *just in case* you leak down there and you ignore it because your mom friends told you it was normal after having a baby.
>>As women, it’s common to want your before baby body back yesterday, but it’s leaving you with pain and discomfort.<<
Can you relate, Beautiful?

If so, I have good news: you CAN improve how your body feels and functions while…even if it’s been 6 weeks, 6 months, or 6 years since you’ve had your little one.
I can prove it in just one week when I’m hosting a FREE Masterclass: The Pelvic Floor’s Role In Healing Your Body. And I want YOU to get your seat saved!
In The Pelvic Floor’s Role In Healing Your Body, you’ll learn:
- How your pelvic floor is involved in everything you do
- Fascia’s role in getting rid of pain and dysfunction
- Why re-training your brain can enhance your results
…and more!
This free, one-hour class will also be the place where you can get your postpartum question’s answered.
*It’s going to be just what you need to feel confident in wearing colored leggings again!*
Are you ready to learn? Or, better yet, ready to invite a friend to join you?!
>>Register for The Pelvic Floor’s Role In Healing Your Body TODAY!<<

Register for The Pelvic Floor’s Role In Healing Your Body today, and I’ll see you there!