Here’s what they won’t tell you about postpartum mental health…
>>No one can truly prepare you for the roller coaster of emotions that you experience after having your little one.<<
…whether you like to be in the front of the ride or are cruising in the back, these emotions are still there and relevant to your postpartum health.
*It’s okay to let it out on this ride mama!*
>>Real talk: If you don’t address what is going on in those early stages postpartum, it tends to stick around.<<

What a lot of these emotions, thoughts and reactions come down to is stress.
Stress plays a major role in the functionality of the body.
It’s important to learn how to manage stress so your cup doesn’t overflow leaving you with anxiety, exhaustion and depletion.
>>Take a moment to stop, breathe and presence yourself. Let your breath help you start to recognize what you are feeling in your body.<<
Take this with you throughout life because once you’re postpartum, you’re always postpartum.
In this live conversation about postpartum mental health with Coach Jen, we talk about:
- Postpartum hormone shifts
- Stress triggers
- How to manage stress
As you’re buckled up with anticipation looking over the hill you’re about to go down, I encourage you to do so with no hands!
Let go of the guilt, expectations and excuses that are weighing you down. In the midst of all this chaos make sure that you find time for you so you can enjoy this thrill ride…because it’s going to be the time of your life.

And if you’d like to make your postpartum self a priority while healing your body through movement…then I’d love for you to join Core Rehab. Click >>HERE<< for more information.
The material contained within is provided for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. You should seek prompt medical care for any specific health issues and consult your physician before beginning a new regiment or purchasing any product(s).