When you’re newly postpartum, you are told by your OB/GYN to hold off on exercise until you hit that 6-week mark. After working with thousands of moms and going through postpartum recovery three times myself, I soon realized that doing nothing in those first weeks postpartum could do more harm than good to your body. Now, I’m not saying to…
When you’re bumpin, it can seem easy to visualize yourself get back into exercise after having a baby at full force once that six-week mark hits. As a pre and postnatal exercise specialist, I’m here to tell you that that’s not the reality. >>I’m also here to tell you that there is so much that you can do in those…
Listen closely ladies: postpartum recovery is not limited to one year after having your baby. I know so many of us are convinced that you are no longer considered postpartum after one year of having baby. AND some of you even strive to reach that one-year mark because it’s thought that all postpartum symptoms will just go away. I mean, that would just make our…