Listen closely ladies: postpartum recovery is not limited to one year after having your baby.

I know so many of us are convinced that you are no longer considered postpartum after one year of having baby. AND some of you even strive to reach that one-year mark because it’s thought that all postpartum symptoms will just go away. I mean, that would just make our lives easier right? BUT…postpartum recovery AND postpartum health aren’t that simple.

I invited board-certified physician, Dr. Christine Maren, on the Core Connections podcast to teach you how to thrive postpartum and beyond.

Instead of learning to live with the “new normal”, you CAN take control of your postpartum recovery! Becoming your own health advocate, learning new lifestyle habits and wellness practices can make a drastic improvement in how you feel physically, mentally and emotionally!

Ladies, being aware, being knowledgable and being on top of your health can allow you not only heal symptoms in your body but prevent them from ever happening.

So this is Dr. Maren and I sharing our knowledge with you…not only as women’s health professionals but as moms who want you to get your life back to thriving postpartum + beyond.

If you’re ready to hear how to find better solutions, plug-in those headphones and take a listen. Things are about to get real good and it all starts with clicking play >>HERE!<<

IG: @drchristinemaren


Bio: Christine Maren D.O. is a board-certified physician and the founder of an innovative, virtual functional medicine practice in Colorado, Michigan and Texas. She is also the co-founder of Hey Mami (pronounced: “Mommy”), a platform dedicated to helping women throughout the stages of motherhood.

Dr. Maren was introduced to functional medicine after struggling with pregnancy complications and recurrent miscarriages. A functional medicine approach helped her address her own underlying health issues associated with gut infections, hypothyroidism, hormone imbalance and mold toxicity.

Now a mother of three, she’s devoted her professional life to helping other modern day moms optimize their health before pregnancy, thrive postpartum and get their life back. Dr. Maren is board-certified by the American Board of Family Medicine and is an Institute for Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner (IFMCP). She is a compassionate clinician, speaker and wellness advocate. She is married to a surgeon and together they balance rewarding careers with raising three beautiful children. Learn more at

Looking For This? Ideal thyroid lab parameters that were talked about in this episode can be found >>HERE<<.

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