
Dolly Spice on Amazon

I’m in the 2nd trimester of my second pregnancy, with a 10 month old, and as a sleepy, busy mom on the go, this workout DVD is perfect! I used to run up to 30 miles a week and did hours of strength training a week, so with my last pregnancy it was a big challenge to find decent prenatal…

Mo on Amazon

I had read some other reviews that said this workout was “tough” which was actually something I was looking for. I try to work out often but have definitely been slacking off since getting pregnant. I went on a search for workout DVD’s that were designed to be safe for myself and my munchkin. The assistant is well into her…

Collie F. James IV on Amazon

Thank you Erica Ziel for creating a program that helps me feel like I’m actually doing something to get my body back after baby! I used the pre-natal dvd’s and still use some of the workouts after baby, but these have really helped me feel empowered at a time when you don’t really feel like yourself. The workouts are easy…

Nicole on Amazon

I have purchased a couple other prenatal fitness books in the past and this one is by far my favorite! I love the pictures and how easy it is to understand. The step by step guides throughout the book make it easy to put together a realistic workout. I love the many tips throughout the book and I also love…

Leila Hayes

I have an 8 month old, and I’m just now starting to get back in shape. I had been looking for a video, since I live in Texas and it is way too hot to do anything outside. A lot of the after baby workouts are a lot of cardio, and I really can’t do those right now (nursing). But…

Monica Paull

I’ve always loved small group pilates classes and when I found out I was pregnant, I wanted to keep it up. A friend of mine posted about these videos on facebook, so I thought I would give them a try. I had never done a pilates video before, and they have exceeded my expectations. Some days its just not possible…


I am not one that works out on a regular basis, so I was looking for something that would challenge me, but also be easy on me because I am pregnant and didn’t exercise regularly before I was pregnant. I got these as a Christmas gift, and LOVE them! Erica is amazing! She talks to you through the work out,…

Irene Chang Kwon

It’s really important to me that I stay fit and active during pregnancy…I was glad to discover Knocked-Up Fitness and Wellness DVDs. They’re challenging enough so that I stay toned but completely safe for expectant moms. I’m using the DVDs a few times a week now to stay in shape for myself—and for my baby.