I love kneeling side reaches because they are great for creating space and opposition throughout the body and opening up those hips + chest. AND…you can do these throughout your entire pregnancy!
To get started, grab a mat. If you’re on a hard surface, you might want to think about doubling up your mats for some additional cushion.

Full Kneeling Side Reaches
- Take your bottom leg and really wrap around your hip
- Actively open up the front of your hips
- Lightly connect through your pelvic floor + deep core
- Lightly hugging your baby
- Place your hand on the floor, opening up across your chest
- Think about getting that expansion across your shoulders
- Take your top leg and top arm up, creating that great opposition throughout your body
- On your exhale, bring your elbow and leg toward each other
- Use your glutes so you don’t dump into your low back
- NOTE: If you’re in your 3rd trimester, focus on rounding your back and only moving through a range of motion that feels good for your body
- On your inhale, open up, staying connected through your body
- Look up towards your fingertips for even more opposition
- On your exhale, look down and repeat
- Do 5-10 reps on each side
- You can add a few side lying leg lifts for some additional work!
- Option 1: Instead of doing kneeling side reaches, you can lie on your side and just do 10-20 side lying leg lifts on each side.
- Option 2: Mermaid. These are great for some upper body work as well as getting that opposition throughout your body.
Remember to only work through a range of motion that feels good for your body and stay connected through your deep core + pelvic floor!

If you are ready for more prenatal movements like this one, you need to join us in my Knocked-Up Fitness® and Wellness Membership.
It includes weekly workout schedules, TONS of workouts to choose from and access to our prenatal coaches whenever you’re feeling lost or overwhelmed. Join us >>HERE!<<