One of the most powerful parts of our Knocked-Up Fitness and Wellness membership is when mamas get to learn our Push Prep Method.

*Whether you’re planning on having a vaginal delivery or cesarean birth…these fundamentals are vital to your delivery experience!*

>>The Push Prep Method is designed to help you learn how to coordinate the muscles in your body that assist in the pushing phase of labor.<<

Here are three tips to help prepare your body for labor and delivery!

Tip 1: Release and Relax

The KUF membership is so amazing because even if you don’t feel like you have the energy to workout, you can still learn these amazing fundamentals to enhance your delivery…including learning to release and relax!

Our mamas that are more athletic, like to run or enjoy higher intensity workouts tend to have a really tight pelvic floor. So when they are able to release and relax they are understanding how to connect deeper with their core.

This is why it’s important to learn how to work with your body rather than fight against it.

image of push prep method
Tip 2: Lightly Connect through the Deep Core

If you’ve never done this before, it can feel very different for you. But that’s what the KUF coaches are there to help you through on our monthly group coaching calls!

Even if you’ve never felt this before, the cool thing is that pregnancy is the PERFECT time to learn how to connect with your deep core because you have your baby inside of you for tactile feedback.

Our mamas find that by learning the Push Prep Method and how to properly connect with their deep core, were able to have minimal to no tearing while keeping their push time to 30 minutes or less.

>>That means less stress on you and a lot less stress on your baby when you learn how to be an efficient pusher.<<

Tip 3: Applying This to a Cesarean Delivery

Don’t think that just because you are planning a C-Section that this information doesn’t apply to you.

Now, you don’t necessarily need to learn the Push Prep Method, but you still need to understand the fundamentals.

We hear time and time again from our mamas that had a C-Section that their doctors asked them what they did during their pregnancy because they notice when they make the incision that the lower belly fascia is so much nicer to cut which makes it heal more quickly.

If you want a deeper dive into what the Push Prep Method can do for your labor and delivery experience, check out my video explaining these tips >>HERE!<<

Want to get started with the Push Prep Method inside of our Knocked-Up Fitness and Wellness membership? I don’t blame you, mama! Sign up >>HERE<< and we will see you inside our private group!

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