When you’re bumpin, it can seem easy to visualize yourself get back into exercise after having a baby at full force once that six-week mark hits.
As a pre and postnatal exercise specialist, I’m here to tell you that that’s not the reality.
>>I’m also here to tell you that there is so much that you can do in those first six weeks that can have a profound effect on your postpartum recovery.<<
*Listen: I know it sounds a little out of the box and might conflict with other information you’ve heard out there.*
But after working with so many mamas over the years, I know the power that movement, mindset and breathwork has on the body.
Here are 3 things you can do to get back into exercise after having a baby:
1. Wake Up Your Pelvic Floor
And no by waking up your pelvic floor I do NOT mean to do your Kegels.
So many times Kegels are just addressing that frontal piece of the pelvic floor when it actually runs from sitz bone to sitz bone and pubic bone to anus.
When you start to understand how big your pelvic floor is and all of the fascial layers that are involved in it, you are able to connect with your body on a deeper level by just breathing into your pelvis.

2. Move Your Body
As much as it’s important to rest, heal and bond with your baby those first six weeks postpartum, it’s also important to move your body.
Now, when I say move your body, I’m not saying to go to the next available CrossFit workout.
What you can do is go for a walk outside, pelvic tilts, hip rolls, and focus on your deep core connection as you’re nursing, standing and sitting.
3. Take Your Time
Let me be real with you: I have seen so many moms overdo exercises those initial weeks postpartum and it leaves them with pelvic pain, incontinence and tons of discomfort.
The irony is that their bodies went through 10 months of changes but they want to get back to what they were doing before they were pregnant in a few weeks time.
It takes time for your body to heal…Instead of focusing on what you can’t do during this time look at all of the things that you are able to do.
>>You will get back to running, strength training and high-intensity workouts, but you first have to heal your body from the inside out.<<
So, how do you gradually get back into your before baby exercise routine? By listening to your body.

If you’re looking for the tools to get you feeling even better than before you were pregnant, Core Rehab has your back, Mama. This is your personal invitation to join an empowered community of women inside >>Core Rehab<< and to allow me to be your guide in healing your body postpartum…you have the power to live a life without physical limitations.
The material contained within is provided for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. You should seek prompt medical care for any specific health issues and consult your physician before beginning a new regimen or purchasing any product(s).