I get a lot of questions about how to prepare your body for birth with my Push Prep Method. So…we’re going to break down what the Push Prep Method is, what it’s used for and when you should start incorporating it into your daily workout routine.

What is the Push Prep Method?

The Push Prep Method is designed to prepare your body for the actual act of pushing. The breathwork and release movements allow you to create space and release your pelvic floor so you can work with your contractions to assist your body in getting your baby through the birth canal with minimal to no tearing.

Is the Push Prep Method necessary for a scheduled C-Section?

Absolutely! The breathwork used in the Push Prep Method is extremely effective for breathing through any Braxton Hix contractions, getting through any early contractions you may experience and is also a great tool for relaxing during pregnancy and before your C-Section. 

image of preparing your body for birth
When should I start incorporating the Push Prep Method?

You want to begin using the Push Prep Method when you are around 36 weeks pregnant. You want to wait until later in your pregnancy so that you can feel the weight of your baby pushing down against your pelvic floor. This will give you something to breathe into.

Where can I get access to the Push Prep Method?

In the Knocked-Up Fitness® and Wellness Membership! In addition to my Push Prep Method, you also have access to workouts, tutorials, trimester guides, nutrition information and MORE! 

One of the great things about the Knocked-Up Fitness® and Wellness Membership is the monthly group coaching calls. All members can attend and ask Coach Annie or Coach Jen any questions that come up. These can range from pre-pregnancy to postpartum and everything in-between. They are committed to coaching you through your entire pregnancy!

To learn more about how to prepare your body for birth, check out my Knocked-Up Fitness® and Wellness Membership!

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