Stay Fit & Healthy During Pregnancy with Knocked-Up Fitness and Wellness {Video}

The path to regaining your pre-baby body begins during pregnancy.

Knocked-Up Fitness and Wellness(R) is designed to be an effective & fun way for expecting moms to stay active and in shape through all stages of pregnancy. The program includes a variety of exercises that specifically target and strengthen deep core muscles safely. Strengthening deep core muscles helps prepare your body for labor, delivery and recovery.

prenatal_program_templateDVD 1: Pilates-Infused Fitness

Discover the challenge and many benefits of this unique Prenatal Pilates-Infused Fitness program that fuses Pilates, cardio, and conditioning exercises for safe, effective and customized fitness. Mix and match the 5 different workouts to form your favorite routines!

DVD 2: Prenatal Core Pilates Workouts
True core building moves focus on the deep muscle of the abdominals. Discover how to safely strengthen your core and protect your baby with these unique Prenatal Core Pilates workouts — a mix of Core Cardio, Pilates, Yoga, and other fitness exercises.

Equipment needed for these workouts includes: an exercise ball, a light resistance band (included), a light pair of 2-3 lb. dumbbells (optional, but recommended), and a pillow (optional).

Available in a 2 DVD set (which includes a FREE exercise band) & now via Digital Streaming!


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